a blog on life and all the things from my side of the hedge.
12/31/2017 updated June 2024 This story unfolds differently for each person, but all people who have experienced miscarriage have this in common: First you were pregnant. And then you were not. Your womb is empty and so are your arms. Some find relief in the loss while others are devastated. Some face it stoically, while others crumble under the weight of their grief. There is no 'right way' to walk this journey. But there are guideposts along the way to help you as your journey unfolds. This post is written for those first days when a miscarriage is imminent or beginning, but is not yet complete. It uses Susun Weed's 6 Steps of Healing model to help you explore your options to bring the miscarriage to completion. It can be difficult to think clearly in the midst of loss - I hope this tool will be useful to you in a difficult time. <3 As always, remember that I am not a medical practitioner, and the information I provide here is for educational purposes only. It should not be considered as medical advice, a treatment protocol, a prescription, or a recommendation. Any and all information here is to be used at your own discretion, at your own risk, and in consultation with trusted caregivers whenever you deem necessary. ....May you find peace and healing on your journey. <3 Step 0 – Do Nothing.
Simply be still. Be open to all that is possible. Be mindful. Be present. Sleep. Sleep some more. Just be, with what is, without judgments, labels, or opinions. Allow everything to simply exist as it is in this moment. Make space for answers to come. Step 1 – Collect Information. Collect all sorts and styles of information. Facts, figures, and statistics are easy enough to gather in today’s information age, though it can be difficult to sort out what is trustworthy vs what is poorly generated by AI or is intentional misinformation. Check with professionals and people you trust in the relevant fields if you’re uncertain whether a source is trustworthy. There are some recommended sources at the bottom of this article you can use as starting points. Remember also that facts, figures, and statistics aren’t the only information that matters. Listen to your dreams and your intuition. Read the scriptures or holy books of your religion if you have one. Consult oracle cards, the tarot, or runes if those are tools you benefit from. Listen to stories. Talk with spiritual or personal mentors. Make a list of people you trust whom you can turn to at any time, (and turn to them when you need to!). Step 2 - Engage the Energy Sometimes a subtle shift in energy is all it takes to turn the tide in your overall healing journey and there are so many ways to do this. First and foremost – sleep. Allow your body to rest and rejuvenate and process what is happening. Give &/or receive a hug or a smile; allow emotions to flow freely; open the windows, take a gentle walk, listen to music, spend time in green spaces, spend time in or near water; engage in prayer, meditation, visualization; use homeopathic or flower remedies; explore EFT/tapping, Therapeutic Touch, Reflexology, Yoga Nidra Meditation…. there are so many options here. <3 In the case of a confirmed or inevitable miscarriage, I think part of engaging the energy involves telling your body its okay to release the pregnancy, and/or the baby that it’s okay for them to let go. These energy-based approaches can often play a supportive role for you even as you explore or engage with further steps, and throughout the postpartum/post-loss time. If you’d like to try homeopathics, Sepia, Caullophyllum, Cimicifuga, and Sabina are frequently recommended options. Caullophyllum and Cimicifuga are homeopathic versions of blue cohosh and black cohosh, which are herbs traditionally used to bring on effective labour. Sepia is useful throughout pregnancy but in this instance, helps expel tissue, and ‘expel’ grief. Sabina can be used if the bleeding is too heavy with bright red blood and clots. Phosphorous can also be used for profuse bleeding. Caullophyllum & Cimicifuga should not be used unless the miscarriage has been confirmed. Follow the dosage guidelines which come with the remedies you choose. Please keep in mind that homeopathics are not a substitute for emergency medical care when its needed and heavy or excessive bleeding can quickly become a medical emergency. If you are having a difficult time emotionally, Bach Rescue Remedy is a homeopathic flower essence which may bring you a sense of calmness. Other flower remedies which may be beneficial are Star of Bethlehem for shock, Cherry Plum for racing thoughts, Sweet Chestnut for deep heartache and depression, Pine for feelings of guilt, Clematis for feeling like the miscarriage is a bad dream, Honeysuckle for when you are stuck wondering what might have been, Willow for resentment towards others, Holly for anger towards others. Reflexology, EFT/tapping, Yoga Nidra meditation, and Therapeutic Touch would also be options to consider in Engaging the Energy. Be sure to work with a practitioner who is knowledgeable about pregnancy/reproductive health and is sensitive to pregnancy loss. Step 3 - Nourish and Tonify Nourish yourself in body mind and spirit. LOVE yourself – especially the parts you despise or are ashamed of. Demonstrate that love to yourself through eating and drinking nourishing things that make you feel good (including the use of herbal teas) and moving your body in ways that feel good to you, if needed. Allow yourself to rest, to sleep, so your body can integrate all that’s happening. Doing these positive nourishing things over time is tonifying – they increase the energy available within you. In the short-term, try a hot bath or shower, a massage, or any form of self-care that makes you feel special. Be sure to stay well-hydrated with clear healthy fluids as your body will be losing blood, and to eat foods which are rich in iron. An herbal infusion of alfalfa and/or nettles and/or red raspberry leaf would be an excellent choice. Lavender buds, rose petals, skullcap, and st.john's wort may also help with pain and anxiety during this time of loss and transition, if they are appropriate for you and any pre-existing conditions or medications you may have/use. Step 4 - Stimulate & Sedate Here is where you explore the use of therapies known to stimulate or sedate the body. Large doses of oral vitamin C (500mg/hr every hour for 12hours, up to 6 days as per Susun Weed); parsley tea, or true sweet cinnamon (not cassia cinnamon) tea may stimulate your body to release an unviable pregnancy if it is still in the very early weeks and if you do not have any contraindication such as kidney disorders. If you decide to use herbs to help complete a miscarriage, Susun Weed of The Wise Woman Herbal for The Childbearing Year instructs the use of 20 drops each of blue cohosh and black cohosh tincture, once an hour, for up to 5 hours, and also to keep Shepherd's Purse tincture or Witch Hazel tincture on hand in case bleeding becomes too heavy (dosage of 20-40 drops). These herbs may not be appropriate for you if you have issues with your blood pressure or other medical conditions. Dong quai/angelica and pennyroyal are other herbs which are sometimes recommended to help complete a miscarriage. Pennyroyal is available as both an herb and an essential oil - - it should NEVER be used internally in essential oil form as it is a HIGHLY toxic poison, and even applied topically it can cause serious skin irritation. Each of these four herbs (black cohosh, blue cohosh, dong quai/angelica and pennyroyal herb) can lead to excess bleeding or cause genuine damage if used incorrectly, so be sure you are well informed before making the decision to use them, purchase from a trustworthy source, have a trustworthy adult with you when you use them and a plan for if bleeding becomes too heavy, and above all listen to your body. If you have pre-existing medical conditions it is wise to do further research before using herbs, and/or to consult with an herbalist experienced in the use of these herbs for the purposes of completing a miscarriage. When used appropriately these herbs can be helpful for some people. Used incorrectly they can lead to nausea, vomiting, excess blood loss, or even more serious side effects. Please proceed with caution. Acupuncture and moxibustion from an experienced practitioner could also be considered at this stage. Step 5 - Use Supplements/Drugs Supplements are foods taken out of context. Herbs which contain standardized extracts can also fall into this category. Drugs are the category where the medical profession steps in with standardized synthetic medications designed to provoke a specific response within the body. Some feel that high dilution homeopathics fall into this category as they are only available from a Homeopathic Doctor and may have a more pronounced action in the body than lower dose homeopathics available over the counter. Methergine, mifepristone and misoprostol are drugs which your medical doctor may prescribe to you in order to help your body complete a miscarriage, depending on where you live (USA vs Canada for example). Step 6 - Break & Enter This step includes surgery, invasive diagnostic procedures, psychoactive drugs, and invasive or harsh alternative therapies. Step 6 approaches ALWAYS have side effects and cause harm even as they strive to bring healing. That being said, you have to decide if the benefits outweigh the risks for you because sometimes they truly do. While step 6 interventions aren’t always the first choice, there is a time and a place for them and they may be exactly what you need. At this point you would be considering a dilation & curettage procedure, known more commonly as a D&C. While a D&C is relatively quick and thorough, with a 99% success rate in completing the miscarriage, it brings with it the low risk (less than 1%) of infection, perforation of the uterus, and scarring – each of which could impact future pregnancies. In many cases however these risks are outweighed by the benefits, making a D&C the right choice for you. If you are Rh negative, or if you do not know your blood type, it is important that you discuss this with your medical caregiver no matter which approach you take to completing the miscarriage, as it can impact future pregnancies and you will want to consider receiving an injection of Rhogam. RESOURCES, REFERENCES, & RECOMMENDED FURTHER READING Step One: Collect Information HealthLinkBC - Miscarriage Overview Miscarriage Australia Tommy’s: Miscarriage Information & Support A Miscarriage Story - Indie Birth Susun Weed – Wise Woman Herbal For The Childbearing Year Step Two: Engage The Energy Birthing/Midwife Homeopathic Remedies Pregnancy & Childbirth Homeopathic Kit Yoga Nidra by Kamini Desai on YouTube Reflexology After Loss EFT/Tapping and Miscarriage What Is Therapeutic Touch Step Three: Nourish & Tonify Nourish Your Miscarriage TCM Approaches For Miscarriage (may also include some approaches which are part of Step 4) Step Four: Stimulate & Sedate Pennyroyal & Miscarriage Acupuncture & Miscarriage Miscarriage story using acupuncture and moxibustion Step Five: Supplements & Drugs Medical Management Dr.Christopher (herbalist – legacy site) Step Six: Break & Enter BC Women’s Hospital on Miscarriage Treatment Options
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